"If I kill off all my demons my angels might die as well." - Tennesse Willams

Friday, March 26, 2010

Welcome to the Club

Raise your hand if you belong to the Club. No, I'm not talking about the Mickey Mouse Club. In fact, I bet most people don't even realize this one exists. Including some of its members.
Ask yourself these questions:

Do you wish you could write what you REALLY think or feel for your Facebook status? If you could, would it go something like "feels single, slutty, and cynical" today? Or maybe "married, murderous, and mischievous" ? A simple "F U (insert name here)" ?

Do you sometimes feel like you have a split personality? One half of you is being the perfect soccer mom, while the other half is wishing you were banging the coach?

Does it often take all that you have to keep your moral compass pointing the right way instead of letting it go "pirate" ?

Can you tell when you are just "on" sometimes. Members of the opposite sex seem more attracted to you, and you know you could get whatever you want from them?

In another life, would you have given into sex, drugs, and rock-n-roll with a smile?

If you're female, do you not just LIKE sex, but LOVE it. And a little kink isn't a bad thing?

If you answer yes to these questions.... Welcome to the Club. My friend, we'll call her X, and I were talking about the Club the other day. Out of a large group of women that we worked with, what drew us to be such close friends? The answer is, we recognize our own. It's that little glint of darkness in the eye. No, I'm not talking Ted Bundy darkness... that's just evil. I mean that glint that says, "If this woman I just met tells me about little Billy's adventures on the potty again I'll strangle someone." The same glint that says "suburban neighborhoods kill a piece of my soul" - even if you live in one. X says it's the spark that let's another Club member know "Yeah, this is all bullshit, we were meant for something more. I'd really love to smoke and drink about it." But we don't. At least not often.
But every once in awhile, the bad has to come out. It rises to the surface. If you don't take control and let a little steam off the top, the whole thing could blow. (heh, heh... I said "blow")
So what makes some people Club members, and others not? Cause there are surely alot of folks out there who would read this and not have a clue what I'm talking about. X and I refer to them as being 'flat.' They are overly happy with superficial things. Glad to be typical. Ecstatic in their mediocrity. They are easily shocked by realities other than their own. Sound snobby? Well, so what. Flat people are perfectly great people in most cases. There just isn't much depth of experience there.
This is why I started Halo and Horns. I'm a nice, normal person most of the time. But every once in awhile the Dark in me wants to scream and have a voice of its own. Don't talk to me about repression. Blah, blah, blah. We all repress something to some degree. I just wanted to establish a place where those in the Club can let a little off the top. So, here it is... bitch, vent, confess, whatever. Tell me how you deal with life. It is the Dark that enables us to enjoy the Light so much more.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Readers- I will not make a habit of deleting your comments. I personally know "Adam," who asked me to delete his comment.

  3. "Ecstatic in their mediocrity" is the best line ever written!!

  4. I liked it too. Do you think I am one of the club or just a spectator?

    - Chocolate covered Cherry Blizzard

  5. Oh no Blizzard... you are most DEFINITELY a gold card carrying club member!!

  6. So it's gonna be like that, eh? LOL...so true!

